Schematic of CAN tranceiver board

TJA1044 is a 8p high speed CAN tranceiver with standby function.  This device is available with or without Vio.

The PCB is prepared to test a Vio or non Vio variant or use a Vio type as a non Vio type( Vio is  connected to VCC as a non Vio).


Layout of CAN tranceiver board

For this project a two layer board is designed,  top layer is also used for grounding.

The board can be conenctd via a single row IDE conenctor, the pin connection is printed on the silkscreen.

Settings like  standby/normal mode, VCC/VIO and termination are done by jumpers. The CAN bus  has two connectors in parrallell to create a network.

For network purpose there is a 120 ohm and 60 ohm termination on board.


Design file CAN tranceiver board

More information

pdf of schematic and layout


Gerber files
