An electronic circuit is composed of individual electronic components, such as, resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes, connected by conductive wires or traces through which electric current can flow. These components have an unique behaviour, e.g. a resistor will give resistance to a current and a diode will only conduct in one direction. Mystery box is an electronic device that has several electronic components with its own unique behaviour. The box has 2 x 16 terminals, each terminal is randomly connected to an electronic component. With a dual adjustable supply the user has to find out what kind of component is connected to the terminals. As example, a resister is connected to pin[x] and pin [Y], with an adjustable supply you can apply a voltage, and measure the current in the terminals. If you find a resistor behaviour and also an expected resistor value then the first component is already found. You type in the user interface the pin numbers and if it is correct, you get a score for this component. If it’s wrong so you need a second try, you only get half score and so on. There are more components to measure and some are more or less complicated. Behind the terminals are:
Mystery box software is running on WindowsTM , other OS is not available.
The software has a teacher and student mode. In teacher mode a password is needed to enter this mode, in this mode the terminal connections are visible and also the box can be programmed randomly for a next exercise. The password is stored in mystery box memory, it can be changed but there is no option to recover, a lost password needs a manufacture reset. After initializing mystery box all random settings are stored in mystery box internal memory and is unique. After connecting misterybox to software the memory settings will be uploaded and the exercise can start. There is no setting storage on PC memory, if a component is filled in the result will be stored in misterybox memory. This means that the mister box is unique to the user , the name and date can be programmed and after the exercise the box can be read to get the final score.
After connecting mystery box to the PC a new drive is available. Mystery box has a build in memory drive to where all software, drivers and documentation is available.
After connecting mystery box the configuration will be uploaded, uploading will end with the message:
Press message ok and the menu will appear.
Close the matrix form.
Within setup menu there is access to the info screen and administrator login
Info screen will display the type and series number of mysterybox. Further there is information of mysterybox configuration.
Administrator environment can be accessed with a password, after access the password can be changed. There is no option for recovery, losing password needs a full factory reset.
[Random matrix] will start the terminal to component connexion randomly, if done the file can be saved. With [Load matrix] this saved file can be loaded into misterybox, in this way is possible to program multiple misteryboxes with the same matrix. [ Administrator logoff] will turn of administrator mode.
Random matrix: After starting random matrix a progress bar will pop up, after saving the file the name of the owner and configuration name must be entered. This is the information that is shown in [Info] later on.
[Read configuration mysterybox] will upload the configuration content into PC memory, this is standard done after starting the application.
[Configurationlist] will show the terminal connections. [admin only]
[Matrix overview] terminals that are used will be red coloured in this matrix and may not used anymore. This will help to probing on the left over terminals only.
Mysterybox has two adjustable supplies, via an on top potentiometer the voltage can be controlled, the value is displayed on the menu. The current is measured and also displayed on the menu, the max current is limited to 20 mA to avoid over current in components.
First measurement, let’s try to find the resistor. The resistor in mysterybox has a value of 1kΩ. The matrix switches have an RDon of 100 Ω so the total resistance we are looking for is 1.2 kΩ. With two cables connected to supply 1 we will measure the terminals one by one, because there are a lot of components in it we will measure more then a resistor. Its handy to write it down and also reverse polarity, maybe somewhere you will find a diode. Be aware of voltage drops that is not making sense for a resistor e.g. Vd of diodes, LED’s. We press [ measurement on] and the voltage and current is displayed, the resistor value is calculated. The voltage of supply 1 is set to 5V, because of open leads the current is 0 A so R=∞.
Components can be between terminals A and A, B and B or A and B. We try first A1 and B1 to see what we measure. After some trails a value is found that make sense, terminal A4 and B16 shows a resistor behaviour. We fill in the values in field[ resistor].
A click on the field will store the terminal numbers, the color will change to light grey. A right mouse click will show some options.
[Explanation]: Some information about resistors is shown in a pop up.
[Reset pinnumbers]: The edit boxed will be enabled and you can change youre choice
[Check resistor]: This is final, the entered numbers will be check with the configuration setting and if correct it will turn into checked box. The full amount of points will be stored in mystery box. If false you can try again, the max point of this components will be half until the correct answer is given.
Lead A is changed to 5 to generate an error, the resistor box has a false sign on it.
The box is reset and the correct answer is given, the resistor box is changed to a correct sign.
If info box is selected you see that resistor field is green and two points are granted. In total 100 point can be granted.
The result is stored into mysterybox, after start application also this information will be uploaded into PC. Mysterybox is working PC independent.
With measurements combined with basic knowledge and analyse skills all components can be found.
The info screen will display the total result and the score.
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